Leander Herzog

Leander Herzog (1984) is a visual artist based in Switzerland, creating images with code since 2006. His focus is generative art and abstract animation on the web, exploring the contrast between the simplicity of algorithmic systems and the complexity of their emergent properties.

Herzog's work explores themes of personal and collective memory, as well as the ways in which we perceive and respond to societal and political constraints. In the last decade, his work evolved from static images to realtime web-based moving works, including generative audio, interactive installations, data driven sculpture and digital fabrication.

Herzog’s work has been exhibited in public institutions and galleries, including Transmediale with DAM Projects (Berlin), Kunsthaus Pasquart (Biel), Kunsthalle Zürich, Modal Gallery (Manchester). Previous artworks have been acquired by museums and institutions such as ZKM Karlsruhe, HEK (Basel) and Francisco Carolinum Linz.